
Nanostructures and Nanomanufacturing Laboratory

Our lab investigates:

1) Scalable nanomanufacturing techniques involving “top-down” lithographic and “bottom-up” self-assembly approaches.

2) Design of nanostructured materials for multiple functionality not found in the macroscale.

3) Integration of nanomaterials to micro/macroscale devices/systems.


Our research group explores nanoscale material properties that are not found in the macro scale. The goal is to better understand the fundamental principles that drive these unique behaviors, so they can be better engineered. The research focus of our group is the design, optimization, and fabrication of multifunctional nanostructured materials. This can be divided into three main areas:

1) Develop scalable nanomanufacturing processes
2) Design nanostructured materials with multi-physical functionality
3) Integration of nanostructures into micro and macroscale devices/systems

Funding Sources

We gratefully acknowledge the agencies that currently sponsor our work:

NASA_logo NSF_logoDARPA_logoARO_logo

We gratefully acknowledge the agencies that sponsored our work in the past:
